10 Ways To Become More Confident To Achieve Your Goals

Having confidence is an important trait for a person's character.

It is these skills that create a magnetic force between a person and a group, whether at home, at work, or among friends.

But what is confidence?

Confidence is the expectation of a positive outcome.

It is an investment, an effort that results in motivation.

A confident person is, above all, one who knows and trusts his potential.

1 – Find your passion in life

When you find an activity, sport, hobby, or job that gives you great satisfaction and pleasure, your life enriches.

For with passion and pleasure you will be good at what you do.

You will have the satisfaction of doing something tremendously well and it will make you feel more confident.

2 – Imagine your success

To achieve your goals, you have to be able to imagine yourself being successful.

By imagining success, you already begin to feel capable and your confidence increases instantly.

By imagining success, you are sort of telling your brain where you want to go.

Self-confident people experience success even before it reaches it.

As Napoleon Hill says:

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

3 – Don't overlook problem facts

Confidence is not blind optimism, which says that everything will be fine no matter what happens.

In fact, there will be mistakes, problems and small losses in the way of big wins.

Confidence builds when you see what can go wrong, think of alternatives, and feel prepared for anything.

4 – Get organized

It is the key to day to day stress avoidance that undermines our confidence and self-esteem.

Here are the essential habits on how to organize your life:

Write things down. We all know someone that remembers every birthday and sends cards for every holiday. It’s not magic and they don’t use memorization. Trying to remember things will not help you to stay organized. You should try writing things down.

Make schedules and deadlines. Organized people don’t waste time. They recognize that keeping things organized goes hand-in-hand with staying productive. They make and keep schedules for the day and week. They make deadlines and set goals. And most importantly, they and stick to them.

5 – Leave the comfort zone

It is natural for you to be afraid of doing something new.

But there may be something beyond the occasional laziness in this gesture: fear of failure.

Remember that it is impossible to succeed without making a mistake sometimes.

Understand that error is part of the learning process and should not be viewed only as failure.

Challenge yourself!

Over time, you will feel safer to try new things.

6 – Talk about how you feel

You must learn to say what you feel without being aggressive.

You might say, 'This comment doesn't seem appropriate, it makes me feel bad' or 'your behavior with me doesn't please me'.

If we get used to revealing our feelings, the development of our self-esteem will be better.

In addition, we will practice the art of being frank with respect.

7 - Take responsibility for your actions

You are what you is by your choices, not by random circumstances or by the influence of others.

Self-confident people always know that they have the power to make decisions.

Putting blame on others by taking responsibility away from you is the cause and consequence of insecurity.

Say to yourself:

"I'm responsible for what I do, for my decisions, for my life"

8 – Train your body language

Boost your confidence in yourself by adopting a stance that signals security, credibility and tranquility.

Here are some tips:

Looking at the floor indicates insecurity. Always look ahead, keep your head up, your shoulders straight;

The arms, ideally, should be loose. Keeping them crossed signals a defensive position and shows a lack of receptivity;

Moving your hands to follow the speech shows freedom and certainty in the information you transmit.

9 – Surround yourself with positive people

Look at your friends.

You will surely notice that there are one or more of them who are always putting you down, sabotaging your plans, making fun of your skills.

Unfortunately, even though they are your friends, you need to move away from them.

Moods and attitudes are contagious, so if you need to reshape the way you see yourself, avoid contact with people who convey negative feelings.

Stay away from insecure and fearful people.

Stay close to those who spread confidence, security and positivity.

10 – Avoid comparing yourself to others

There are few things as harmful to self-confidence as basing your personal judgment on others' accomplishments.

Instead of looking at other's success, strive to be the best you can.

Self-acceptance is the most important component of keeping your self-esteem high.

Admit that you will not always be the best at all.

Admit that you are constantly developing your skills.