The Causes & Symptoms of Sleeping Trouble

We are often faced with sleeping troubles at night in our lives and it may take a toll on our health. You may have been faced with the inability to fall asleep or had episodes where you wake up several times in the middle of the night. It is a clear indication that you may have sleeping troubles. The drawbacks of sleepless nights are enormous and you might have trouble concentrating or develop frequent headaches.

When you experience such its mostly because you have developed a sleeping disorder. A sleeping disorder is referred to as a condition that affects your ability to get adequate and quality sleep. It is normal to experience sudden sleeping trouble but it is abnormal to wake up the next day feeling tired and exhausted as well as sleepy during the course of the day.

What are some of the symptoms of sleeping trouble?

The first indication that may tell you to have sleeping troubles is frequently waking up in the middle of the night and failing to fall back to sleep.

Next, you may have trouble falling asleep which prompts you to continue sleeping late and later wake up too early the next day.

Finally, you may have difficulty breathing at night associated with loud snoring, most probably you might have a condition called sleep apnea.

The causes of sleep disorders

Inability to get comfortable

Many people simply cannot fall asleep because they never feel comfortable at night. There other cases such as constant body movement and turning. Other causes may be contributed by the surrounding environment such as loud music, pain, sleeping with lights and sleeping on substandard and uncomfortable bedding.

Change in sleep pattern

A nap at noon simply interrupts your sleeping pattern at night and makes affects your accustomed sleeping pattern at night.

Poor diet practices

Too many people underestimate the far-reaching effects of an unhealthy diet, and a diet high in sugar is a key factor in sleep disorders. Brain over stimulation before bedtime is also a cause of sleep trouble and disorders. Consumption of alcohol may also ruin your sleeping pattern.

Sleeping disorders

There are dozens of sleep disorders that can range from mild discomfort to potentially life-threatening conditions. If you have persistent sleep disorders that don't go away if you try any of the other remedies, your sleep disorder may be a sign of something more. Common sleeping disorders include insomnia, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), Sleep apnea, Narcolepsy, Narcolepsy, Bruxism, Hypopnea, Sleep Paralysis, and Sleep Walking.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal changes especially in phases like pregnancy, experiencing, menopause or menstrual cycle can also cause sleep disturbances.

Stress and anxiety

Stress and depression are some of the most common reasons why people have trouble sleeping. Stress causes a variety of health effects, from headaches to the lower immune system. Many stress-related problems can affect sleep.

You must allow your body to relax and release the stress of the day before. To relieve stress, write down the things that worry you so you can deal with them in the morning. Before bedtime, however, any source of fear or tension should be avoided at all costs.